The Awaken Community
YOUR one-time opportunity in
this lifetime.
No jokes. I know this sounds “dramatic” but trust me, I don’t exaggerate. If I call my soul tribe to gather it’s because it’s needed and NOW is the time.
I’m committed to MY purpose. I don’t question it, I follow it!
This is the ONLY TIME IN THIS LIFETIME, in the next 10 months, that we are supported by special cosmic alignment that will propel the discovery of your purpose.
It’s time to decode your unique make up.
It’s time for you to understand where you belong, to take your power back, to choose to open and follow your heart in order to live the life you were born to live and express your creativity in your career and business according to your highest calling.
I’m calling you to our circle, around a sacred fire of deep alchemy.
Participate in the DECODE your PURPOSE workshop for FREE!
Attend live to have A ONE-TIME massive opportunity PRESENTED TO YOU.
Only people who join live will have access to THIS exclusive one-time offer THAT I CANNOT BEGIN TO DESCRIBE!
Once we understand the importance of where we are at, we’ll dive into a direct transmission where you’ll get imperative insights onto how to decode your purpose and how to use the information to direct your life to one of freedom, happiness and sovereignty. Get ready to move and breathe as we tune in, clear and call in this big Shift together.
The last part of the workshop will shed light on the upcoming Decode your Purpose Journey, why you might want to participate and how it can propel you into a different reality: from the life you came into the world with, to the life your were born to create. I’ll show you how you can join our community too. Attend live to get an INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY. I wouldn’t miss it if I were you!
Oh hey corazón!
I’m Jhennevièv
Entrepreneur, Embodied Life Alchemy Coach, Mystic, Impact Investor
Hey loves, I just want to remind you that I’m just like you, trying to live my best life and to walk the path of my greater embodiment. And I fail and have failed so many times at it. And I have also succeeded massively. All this, mixed with a little magic, I think, is what makes me a powerful yet relatable mentor.
I’m known to be a bridger of dimensions, soul whisperer and a magic weaver. My work is to guide people through their own embodied awakening.
As a Teacher, Coach & Trauma Healing Guide, I mesh my yogic, scientific and shamanic backgrounds together to sustainably support your growth and evolution.
As a Business Coach and Strategic Mind, I’m here to find what works for you and what propels you forward into taking quantum leaps in evolution.
I founded the Awaken Community as a branch to NAI’A Embodied Life Alchemy to further evolve in as a movement for empowerment, transformation and embodiment. And I’m here to facilitate the creation of projects and businesses that shake the world awake. And I am here to help you make the most out of your life. If you’ll let me.
Praise from the Community
Here is what members are saying about the power of our journeys and community
I had the desire to live my life differently than on autopilot like a robot.
After this journey, I now feel different. I feel like I have stepped out of my cocoon and spread my butterfly wings so that I can fly to a life that has been waiting for me for a long time. This feeling of well-being and fullness, I had never felt in 43 years!
What I experienced in the program (the awaken journey) was beyond my belief of what was possible.
…It transformed me physically, touched me emotionally and literally manifested things, people, situations into my present life.
“I am in tears just trying to piece the words together to describe just how much Jhennevièv has not only changed my life but the lives of so many others in her mission to Educate and Empower women to realize their divine nature and gifts, guiding them to stand as a sovereign being.”
We welcome all soul rebels in our sisterhood and greater community.